Asbestos Testing & Project Design

We provide the following services in relationship to asbestos in the State of West Virginia: Asbestos inspections, Asbestos workplan & project design, Asbestos abatement.

Safe & Efficient Solutions

The general requirements of the Asbestos NESHAP as applied to the standard for demolition and renovation operations are:

Prior to any demolition or renovation activity, a thorough inspection of the facility or affected part must be conducted to identify and quantify any Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM).
For any renovations involving reportable amounts of Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials (RACM).
For demolition, all RACM must be properly removed from the structure prior to demolition.
If you have asbestos containing materials that need to be removed contact a certified asbestos contractor licensed in theState of West Virginia for removal.
Learn More

Check out this fact sheet for more information on West Virginia standards for asbestos.


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